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Venus black rice with pumpkin


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For 4 people
250 g of Venus black rice
150 g pumpkin already cleaned and cut
vegetable broth to taste.
extra virgin olive oil
1 onion
1 cup white wine


Brown the pumpkin cut into small cubes in a little oil.
Adjust the salt and cook.
Then a few minutes in a preheated oven at 190° c.
Fry the sliced onion in the oil and rosemary; add the rice, toast, then pour in the wine, let it evaporate and cook the rice by adding little by little the vegetable stock.
After 15 minutes, add the pumpkin and cook.
The dish is ready when the rice is cooked and the pumpkin almost squished it.

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(Ricetta dell'Azienda Agricola "Guerrini" di Salussola - BI
e veganizzata da Vegan3000)

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Io non l'ho cotta al forno, ma in una padella antiaderente con del brodo vegetale e poi quasi a cottura ultimata ho aggiunto il riso ed ho aspettato che cuocesse il tutto. Buonissimo!

- Francesca -

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