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Broccoli salad with avocado


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For 4 people: 1 ripe avocado-green broccoli 2 carrots 1-1 nice sprig of chives-1-tablespoon balsamic vinegar-2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil-1 pinch of powdered ginger-lemon juice-sale


Divide the broccoli at tufts, slicing the heart core material. Blanch broccoli for 1/2 minute in boiling water, then drain and rinse it under a jet of cold water. Scrape the carrots and cut them to match; arrange them in a radial pattern along the edge of the plate from scope. Peel avocado and cut it into cubes, placing them at the Center the plate; drizzle the avocado and carrots with lemon juice. Have well drained broccoli hoop between the avocado and carrots. Prepare a sauce by mixing the oil, vinegar, ginger and salt, pour the sauce on the vegetables, sprinkle with chopped chives and serve.

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(Thanks to Melania)

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