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Caci rice


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For 4 people:
300 g of brown rice
1 teaspoon curry
2 artichokes
rice flour
extra virgin olive oil
1 pinch of pepper (optional)
1 bunch parsley, chopped


Cook the rice with curry powder and salt.
Meanwhile clean the artichokes, cut them into 2 parts and let them boil in water (or broth) for 7 minutes. Then cut them further into strips and then flour with rice flour.
Fat preheat a frying pan (non-stick type) brushed lightly with a little oil and cook the artichokes in flame sustained enough.
Let them brown on both sides, add salt a little, and quench the fire: if desired, you can add a pinch of pepper on artichokes.
When the rice is cooked, serve it in individual dishes along with artichokes and a sprinkling of chopped parsley and a drizzle of olive oil.

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(Thanks to Valentina B.)

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