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Spring menu (6)

A full vegan menu for the Springtime, according to A.N.Y.C. principles, a nonviolent and nutritionally balanced diet for the needs of man, using only plant foods, preferably organic.

by Associazione Coscienza e Salute

These recipes are created by Denise Nobili
in accordance with the principles of A.N.Y.C.,
a nonviolent and nutritionally balanced diet
for the needs of man, using only plant foods, preferably organic.
It gives due importance to raw foods,
following the principle of the rotation of foods.
It deals with the ways and the cooking times,
taking into account the incongruous associations.
The A.N.Y.C. system restores the instinctive perceptions
and the body alarm bells,
allowing the person to relate to food in a natural and loving way,
abandoning addictions and obsessive attachments.
Ensures quality and high energy levels
making an immediate and lasting advantage in terms of health and wellness.