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Valentine's day menu ... the kiss! (6)

A full vegan menu for Valentine's day, sensual and attentive to every detail. Even the spices used in these dishes have been chosen specifically for their aphrodisiac effects.

Valentine's menu
14 February ... Feast of love

by Emanuela Barbero
webmaster of Vegan3000.info and author of vegan cookbooks


Although it is undoubtedly true that even Valentine's Day
has now become a celebration of consumerism like all the others,
the fact remains that it is always pleasant to spend a romantic evening with the one you love.

This is simply one more opportunity to be together,
in front of an intimate table set,
with a backgound music and soft candlelight:
the atmosphere in these occasions is essential!

The spices used in these dishes
are known for their aphrodisiac effects.

This is a special menu suitable for Valentine's day
and - why not? - also for other special occasions:
as we know, love has no deadlines and happens at any time,
therefore any moment can be the right one to celebrate it!


My tips
Prepare these dishes in advance, so during your dinner you can dedicate yourself fully to your partner, without undue distraction and forgotten dishes on the stove or in the oven!


Serve with an infusion: we suggest karkadé.

Infusion of karkadé (rosehip)
1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of dried flowers of karkadé (rosehip)
Bring the water to a boil, pour the karkadé flowers and leave them to soak a few minutes,
until the drink takes on a nice red color.

On the issues: the foods of love