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Goulash of seitan


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For 4 people: 300 g of seitan pepper cut into strips-300 gr-300 g potatoes-300 grams of onion-tomato-1 (or 2 or 3 tomatoes)-beer-olive oil-salt-pepper


In a Saute pan over low heat a julienned onions. When are wilted add the peppers into strips and potatoes into wedges. Season with salt and pepper. When it is almost cooked add the seitan, season and sprinkle with a bit of beer by letting it evaporate. Then add the fresh tomatoes (or tomatoes), cut into cubes and finish cooking.
Those who want to make the dish more like the goulash can add some tomato paste that darkens and the sweet paprika to make it spicy.

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(Ricetta scelta dallo chef Marco D'Albresio del ristorante romano Margutta Vegetariano)

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Per rendere questo piatto più simile all'originale (una densa zuppa speziata), ho aggiunto della paprica affumicata e un bicchiere d'acqua in cottura. Semplicemente gustosissimo!

- Manu di Vegan3000 -

Io faccio il seitan a tocchettini e poi li infarino (rubato da ricetta originale)

- Marina -

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