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Sauce for dips


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olive oil-salt-pepper-lemon juice filtered


Mix the olive oil with the lemon juice. Mix quickly with a fork adding a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper.
To obtain a more flavorful vinaigrette, you can incorporate the sauce of chopped fresh herbs (chives, parsley, Basil ...).
Crudités served with vegetables, cut thin and "artistic" way: the eye wants its part!

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(Thanks to Quetzali)

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e l'aceto balsamico ?

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al posto del limone ottimo è l'aceto balsamico

- luco -

signori, frulliamo le verdure con olio extra e succo di limone e sale e poi una piccola quantità di acqua e serviamolo in crema nei piccoli fink aggingendoci in fine sopra dei pezzettini di verdura dello stesso.

- ciro -

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