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Baked stuffed apples


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For 4 people: 4 golden delicious apples-4 handfuls of raisins
For the cream: 2 tablespoons hazelnut butter-2 tablespoons of malt grain (or corn), 60% to 40% as a proportion of approximately


Soak the raisins in a little water, so as to cover it.
Wash apples and remove the core with the proper tool, widening it slightly with a knife and leaving the Fund as a kind of "cap".
Put a tiny pinch of salt (to accentuate the sweet) in each Apple and fill them in 2/3 with raisin already ammolatta, taking care not to compress it too much.
Prepare the rest of the filling, using the hazelnut cream (preferably dark meat) and malt, then stir vigorously until obtaining a cream very similar to another much more famous but that is not vegan.
With this delicious creamy fill the hole remaining apples, place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven in a preheated oven at 180° C for about 25 minutes (from 20 to 30 minutes of cooking, depending on the amount and size of apples).
Serve warm.

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La cremina di malto e nocciole così ottenuta è ottima anche spalmata sul pane e molto indicata per salutari e golose merende.

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all'impasto ho aggiunto amaretti sbriciolati e all'uvetta ho mescolato prugne e albicocche secche rinvenute

- annalisa -

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